Temperament Vine

Temperament Vine

The reason for the person’s age or looking older than they are usually appears as wrinkles in the temple and forehead area. Wrinkles that occur due to various reasons and settle in the area where they form over time become an aesthetic problem for many people. With today’s technology, various application preferences are offered to this complaint, which is not only seen in women but also in men.

What is temple hanging surgery?

In the temple suspension application, it is aimed to remove fine lines and wrinkles in the temple and forehead area. A youthful appearance is obtained by lifting the eyebrows that have fallen down. In people who have excessive sagging in the forehead and temple area, a part of the skin can be removed in order to eliminate this sagging. In this case, forehead and temple stretching surgery can be applied.

In the temple hanging surgery, a crown-shaped incision is made in the scalp, 4-5 cm behind the anterior hairline. Then, the skin determined as excess is removed from this area, the remaining forehead and temple skin is pulled up and the surgery is completed.

What is Temporal Asma with endoscopy methods ?

In people who do not need to remove excess skin, the application of temple suspension can also be done by endoscopic methods. The advantage of the temple suspension application, which is performed with endoscopic methods, compared to the temple suspension surgery is that the incision is not cut from one side to the other.

In endoscopic methods, three or four two-cm incisions are made into the scalp and the application is performed. In this application, the tail part of the eyebrow is fixed to the bone, the skin in the temple area and the part on the outer edge of the eyeball are fixed up by means of the endoscopic camera from the incisions made. The reason for fixing the temple area, the tail part of the eyebrow and the eyeball is to make the tired look young and vigorous.

What is Şakak Asma with a rope ?

Another temple hanging method brought by current technology is temple hanging with a rope. Temple hanging with thread is not a surgical method, it is an application made by stretching the forehead and temple upwards by serrated threads specially developed for this application.

In the temple rope hanging application, local anesthesia is first applied to the temples and forehead areas so that the patient does not feel pain and pain. Then, the rope is placed under the skin from the temple area and stretched upwards. After the stretching process is performed, the outside parts of the rope are cut and the application is completed. Temple hanging with thread is an FDA-approved application.

Temple hanging applications are applications that should be done under general or local anesthesia and in the hospital environment. After these applications, which last for 1.5-2 hours on average, the patient is not expected to stay in the hospital, and the patient is discharged on the same day as the application.

What is the mechanism of action of the Temple Mount?

The mechanism of action of temple hanging with rope depends on the properties of the ropes used in the application. These threads, which have a self-melting feature in the skin, do not allow temple wrinkles after application thanks to their serrated feature.

The threads activate collagen and fibroblasts in the skin and create a lifting effect in the temple and forehead area. In addition, due to the organic properties of these threads, the effect of the threads on the connective tissue is very effective.

Who is Şakak Asma suitable for?

Temporal hanging applications are applied to people with deep lines, wrinkles and sagging in the forehead and temple area, and those whose eyebrows are down. There is no requirement to be male or female for these applications. These applications, which are generally applied to people aged 40 and over, can be applied at a younger age in people with genetic and structural problems.

When will you return to social life after Şakak Asma ?

One day should be waited for returning to social life and work after temple hanging with a rope. It will suffice to just take time off from work on the day of practice. This application, which is performed under local anesthesia, takes half an hour.

Eyebrow suspension application with endoscopic methods is an application that takes place under local anesthesia and lasts for one hour. With this method, you should rest for two days after eyebrow hanging and then continue your social life.

What is the recovery period after the temple Asma surgery ?

  • After the surgery, swelling and bruising can be seen around the eyes of the patient due to the surgery. This swelling and bruising will decrease and disappear a few days after the surgery.
  • After the surgery, there may be mild pain that can be relieved with painkillers prescribed by the doctor.
  • The dressings on the forehead, temple and head will be removed 2-4 days after the surgery.
  • The stitches are expected to be removed one week after the operation.
  • Two weeks after the operation, the patient can return to his social life, put on make-up and go to work.
  • The forehead, temples and head areas should be protected from all kinds of impacts.
  • You should be protected from the sun for two months after the operation, a hat should be worn when going out in the sun and sunscreen should be used.

What should be considered after Şakak Asma?

  • Redness, bruising, swelling and tenderness may occur in the forehead and temple areas after temple hanging. These effects should not be worried as they will disappear on their own within 1-2 days.
  • In the first 48 hours after the application, it is necessary not to put on make-up, not to apply pressure to the face, not to massage and especially not to rub the forehead area. Hard movements may damage the ropes placed in the application area.
  • Sudden and hard eyebrow movements should be avoided for the first three weeks after the application.
  • After the temple suspension applications, the patient should lie on his back with a double pillow for about a week.
  • For the first three weeks after the application, extreme hot environments such as sauna, spa and Turkish bath should be avoided.
  • During the first three days after the application, the application areas should not be touched with water and should not be showered.
  • For about one month after the application, high-protection sunscreen should be used to protect from the harmful rays of the sun and should not go out to the sun as much as possible.
  • Products containing paraben and heavy chemicals should not be used on the forehead and temple area.

Frequently asked questions about Şakak Asma

Is the result of hanging temple with thread permanent?

The effect of the temple suspension application may vary depending on the thickness of the skin and the wrinkling of the temple area. Persistence, which usually lasts between six months and two years, may be less in people with thick skin or heavy skin structure.

The permanence of temple suspension with endoscopy methods is longer when compared to temple suspension with rope and temple suspension with endoscopic methods.

How permanent is the Temple Asma application?

The temple hanging application is an application in which both the temple area and the forehead area are lifted. The temple hanging application gives an extremely permanent result. The results of this application are up to 8-10 years, and often even for life.

Permanence lasts longer than 8-10 years in the temple suspension application made with endoscopic applications. The permanence of the results depends entirely on the skin structure and lifestyle of the patient.

How many threads are used to get the desired image in the Temple Hanging application with Thread ?

The number of threads to be used in temple hanging application varies according to the skin feature, age, smoking consumption, exposure to the sun and the area to be used. Since the eye area is used in the temple hanging application, 10-15 short and straight ropes are used here.

On the forehead area, 20-25 threads of short and medium length and thickness can be used. To make the lifting in the temple and forehead area permanent for a while, serrated threads are used.

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MD, Esra Çelik Answering Your Questions.

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