
Melting and skin laxity are experienced in subcutaneous tissues due to various reasons. With the loss of skin elasticity, facial features begin to lose their clarity and the face oval begins to deteriorate. Losing the clarity of the facial features causes an old, tired and expressionless appearance.

Today’s technology has developed Facetite technology in order to restore the facial features that have begun to lose their clarity.

What is Facetite?

Facetite application is an application that can be performed in a clinical environment, working with radio frequency energy, for skin tightening. The basic principle in this application is based on the triggering of collagen production, which begins to decrease in the skin. By triggering collagen production, the skin begins to tighten and facial lines become clear again. This application is a reliable, comfortable, pain-free application.

How to make Facetite?

Facetite application is performed under local anesthesia to reduce the loss of sensation in order to increase the comfort of the patient, therefore, local anesthesia is first applied before starting the application.

This application, which takes an average of one hour, is minimally invasive. After local anesthesia, a small cannula is inserted under the skin with a device using the energy power of bipolar radio frequency. This cannula is used to heat the subcutaneous and adipose tissue. There is no need to worry about this, as the temperature given by the cannula will be kept under control by the doctor from the first moment. In this application, there will be only small needle inputs and outputs.

After applying Facetite, results are immediately visible. While the best results are noticed in six months, the results of the application can show its effect up to 5 years.

What is the mechanism of action of Facetite application?

The mechanism of action of the Facetite application is based on the energy of the radio frequency wave. The radio frequency energy technology used in the application melts the excess fat tissue and shrinks the skin tissue by affecting the facial tissues of the skin.

The heat technology used in the application, on the other hand, triggers the production of ready-made collagen in the skin and provides volume to the face. With the combination of the two technologies, the skin looks more lively and bright, and the deformations on the skin begin to regress.

Who are suitable candidates for Facetite ?

Facetite is an application applied to areas in need of tightening of the skin, developed for wrinkles and sagging of the forehead, around the eyes, cheeks, lips, chin, jowl, neck. Therefore, Facetite is applied to those who want to reshape their facial features, those who have wrinkles and sagging in these areas, and those who want to achieve a younger appearance.

Who can not be applied to Facetite?

Facetite cannot be applied to people with active skin infections, people with pacemakers, pregnant women, people who have had surgery within four months, diabetes patients and cancer patients.

How many sessions is Facetite done?

Depending on the purpose of facetite and the application area, a single session is usually performed. This application, which can be repeated according to the need, can also be done in combination with other applications.

When will you return to social life after Facetite ?

There is no time to return to social life after Facetite. After the application, redness and edema are experienced due to the application. While the people waiting for these complaints to pass continue their social life a few days after the application, those who do not want to wait for this period can continue their social life immediately after the application.

Things to know about Facetite

  • Facetite application is a very effective application that works thanks to the energy of radio frequency waves and provides tightening of the skin and shrinkage of the skin tissues.
  • This application is used for saggy jowl, double chin, lifting cheeks, shaping the jaw line, reshaping the face and neck by removing excess fat from the skin, tightening the skin in neck wrinkles, removing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • It is an application that should be performed in a clinical environment and under sterile conditions and does not have any complications when performed under these conditions.
  • Since the application is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not experience pain and suffering. Although slight pain may be felt with the loss of the effect of local anesthesia, these are at a level that will pass by themselves.
  • After the application, simple redness and edema can be seen. Therefore, the patient may want to take a break from his social life for a few days.
  • Facetite is an application that focuses on sagging and wrinkles around the lower cheek, jowl, chin and chin of the face. Apart from this, it can also be used for tightening around the eyes and eyebrow areas.
  • Facetite application is a procedure performed by making a small incision, that is, it is invasive. Therefore, it must be done under sterile conditions. In addition, the power of radio frequency energy is used in this application.
  • The incisions made on the skin are not sutured with the normal suture technique, but are closed with the liquid filling technique. Therefore, there are no sutures on the skin.
  • Since the side effects of this application are very rare, it is extremely reliable.
  • Facetite application is an application that has been approved by the FDA for its reliability.
  • This application is done within a few hours and since the patient does not need to be under observation, the patient can be discharged from the hospital immediately after the application.
  • Since the Facetite application is an effective application that works for many people, the people who have this application have expressed their satisfaction.
  • Finally, Facetite application can be done alone or in combination with Accutite application. Accutite application is a very useful application especially around the eyes and eyebrows. With the combination of the two applications, both the effectiveness and the permanence of the applications will increase.

Frequently asked questions about Facetite

When will Facetite show its effect ?

Facetite application penetrates the deep tissue of the skin, melts excess fat, tightens the skin and triggers the production of collagen in the skin, thanks to the energy of radio frequency waves and heat technology.

Although these effects of the application begin to be seen from the first moment, the expected and desired result begins to appear within four to six weeks. This period is necessary for the skin to renew itself and to produce collagen.

How permanent is Facetite?

It is not correct to give a period of time for the permanence of the Facetite application, because the skin is a living tissue and is very open to environmental and physical factors. Therefore, the permanence of the Facetite application may vary from person to person. We can say that this application will leave an effect on the skin for many years, as it provides tightening of the skin and reduction in soft skin tissue.

What to expect after Facetite?

After the application of Facetite, patients experience edema for two to four weeks after application. The face and neck become very sensitive in the first week. Since the nerves in the application area are heated during the application, numbness may be experienced as a reaction after the application.

Although not common, bruising may occur that resolves within 1-2 weeks. When the application is carried out under sterile conditions and by experts, the risk of infection decreases, but there is generally this risk. Depending on the response of the skin and nerves, numbness may occur, but permanent nerve damage does not occur. Currently, this application is an application that has received FDA approval for its reliability.

It is not an expected situation to experience burns and scars as long as it is done by experts. Finally, the application sites should be covered with sterile strips and dressings. Compression tape should be applied to these areas continuously for three days.

Contact Us

MD, Esra Çelik Answering Your Questions.

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