Face and Neck Lift Surgery

Face and Neck Lift Surgery

Various factors such as aging, harmful rays of the sun, weight gain and gravity can cause sagging in the cheek area over time and make the person look older than they are. Face and neck lift surgery is a comfortable and effective surgery that saves people from these complaints.

What is Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

Face and neck lift surgery is a plastic surgery operation that makes the face look younger by lifting and tightening the saggy and wrinkled skin tissue. the purpose of face and neck lift surgery; to tighten and stretch the skin of the face and neck, to tighten the facial and neck muscles, to remove excess fat in these areas. These are effective procedures that make the face and neck area look younger.

Why is Face and Neck Lift Surgery needed?

Face and neck lift surgery is needed in cases of loosening and sagging of the neck skin, loosening and sagging of the neck muscles, growth of the neck subcutaneous fat pads, growth of the neck subcutaneous fat pads, small jaw skeleton, drooping hyoid bone structure , enlarged and sagging salivary glands. It is especially needed in the advanced stages of facial aging in the sagging of soft tissues on the cheeks.

How is the preparation process for Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

The preparation process for face and neck lift surgery begins by taking the general health history of the patient. The patient’s health history, if any, chronic diseases, previous surgeries, allergies, frequently used drugs, family health history is learned.

Since smoking and drug use cause various risks both before and after surgery, these habits are questioned. Since face and neck lift surgery is an operation performed under general anesthesia, anesthesia test is performed to understand how well the patient tolerates anesthesia before the operation. When it is decided to have an operation, the consumption of herbal products, smoking and alcohol is prohibited to the patient. If there is a frequent use of drugs and blood thinners, these drugs are regulated.

The night before the surgery, it is requested not to consume food or drink after 00:00. On the day of surgery, the patient enters the hospital in the morning, vascular access is established, blood is taken for blood tests, if any, and the patient is taken to the room and starts to wait for the surgery time.

How is Face and Neck Lift Surgery performed?

Face and neck lift surgery is an operation performed by shaping the excess fat, tissues and muscles of the patient’s face, chin and neck. This surgery begins by making an incision in the front of the patient’s ear. Then, the excess fat and tissues are repositioned in accordance with the face, the skin is rearranged and the excess skin is removed.

Since the incisions are in places that are not seen much, it heals as a fine line that cannot be noticed by the eye. This surgery is the best treatment for facial wrinkles and sagging images. In face and neck lift surgery, some patients stay in the hospital for one night, while others can be discharged on the same day as the surgery.

Face and neck lift surgery is an operation that takes 1.5-2 hours on average, performed under general anesthesia. Cold application should be applied after the surgery in order not to swell too much before the surgery. A recommendation from the doctor should definitely be taken into account. Face and neck lift surgery lasts up to 10 years.

What is the recovery process like after Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

Most patients recover in a short period of one to two weeks after face and neck lift surgery. After the surgery, the surgical areas are bandaged. These bandages are removed the day after the surgery and replaced with a soft elastic bandage to reduce swelling and protect the neckline.

Changed bandages should be used for an average of two weeks. After the surgery, a drain can usually be placed on the patient in order to remove the blood and fluid accumulation. The drain is removed when the patient leaves the hospital or 2-3 days after the operation.

The patient should regularly use the drugs prescribed by the doctor after the surgery, and limit smoking and alcohol consumption. Apart from this, it is important not to get hit on the surgical areas and not to do heavy exercises. Since the effect of herbal products is not known exactly, these products should not be used. The patient should use corsets that provide healing in accordance with the neck contour.

After face and neck lift surgery, patients may experience bruising and swelling in the surgical areas. These effects should not be worried as they will pass by the end of the first week after surgery.

Who are suitable candidates for Face and Neck Lift Surgery ?

For face and neck lift surgery, people who have aging in the neck area and look older than they are, people who are healthy, non-smokers and have realistic expectations, people with neck sagging, neck wrinkles and jowl problems, and people with fine lines and wrinkles on their face are suitable candidates.

Who cannot have Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

Face and neck lift surgery is applied to pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, those who have active infection in the area to be applied, skin patients or skin cancers, those who regularly use drugs such as penicillin, those who regularly use blood thinners, those who have serious chronic diseases, those who have a weak immune system and unregulated sugar is not administered to blood pressure patients.

Which operations can be combined with Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

Face and neck lift surgery can be performed in combination with upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgeries. In some patients, it is also preferred to be done with simple filling applications. It is decided after the doctor’s approval whether the surgery will be performed alone or with which application. Since surgery planning will be different in surgeries to be performed alone or in combination, this situation should be conveyed to the doctor by the patient before the surgery.

Frequently asked questions about Face and Neck Lift Surgery

What is the age limit for Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

Face and neck lift surgery is an operation that is needed as the age progresses. As in all surgeries, although it is sufficient to be 18 years old for this surgery, this surgery is usually applied to the 45-55 age range. Since sagging around the chin will continue due to aging after 55 years of age, it is generally not preferred to be done after this age.

When will you return to life after Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

When to return to social life after face and neck lift surgery may vary depending on the patient. While some patients can return to social life within a few days, some patients return to their social life at the end of the first or second week after surgery. This period depends on the patient’s post-operative rest and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

What are the complications of Face and Neck Lift Surgery?

Face and neck lift surgery has some risk of complications as with other surgical operations. The most common complication risks of face and neck lift surgery are infection, numbness, pain, hair loss in the incision areas, facial nerve damage and fluid accumulation. Apart from these complications, swelling and bruising are seen in almost all patients.

Serious complications such as infection, numbness, hair loss in the incision areas, facial nerve damage and fluid accumulation are extremely rare after face and neck lift surgery. That’s why you shouldn’t be worried.

Contact Us

MD, Esra Çelik Answering Your Questions.

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