Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breasts that affect posture in appearance tend to sag and deform due to factors such as birth, breastfeeding, aging. Women who are not satisfied with the sagging position of their breasts may consider having breast lift surgery.

What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery is an operation performed by people who complain about the sagging position of the breast, performed on the breast under general anesthesia and bringing the breast to an aesthetic appearance.

How is Breast Lift Surgery performed?

Detailed examination and controls are important before breast lift surgery. The position of the nipple and the sagging of the breast are checked in this examination. Then, considering the body structure of the patient, the operation process is divided into two.

For people with small breasts, a breast lift is performed by placing silicone under the breast, while for people with large breasts, a breast lift is performed by removing some of the tissue in the breast. In both, the end result is a proportional lift of the breast volume. In addition, asymmetry breast posture can be corrected in breast lift surgery.

While breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia, the patient stays in the hospital the night of the operation. Since self-dissolving sutures are used in this surgery, there is no need for an appointment for the removal of sutures.

Breast lift surgery is an operation that takes two hours on average. Swelling and bruising may occur in the first 5-10 days after surgery. These complaints will decrease over time. Therefore, for the first six weeks after the operation, non-wired bras that hug the breasts should be worn.

The first 3-4 days after the operation is important for rest, only bed rest should be done during this period. After 3-4 days, normal life can be resumed. It is normal to experience pain in this process, painkillers prescribed by the doctor can be taken for these pains. Babies should not be held during this period.

You can start driving two weeks after the operation. At the end of the sixth month, it is expected that the surgical sutures will completely disappear. Providing a correct and clean care is important in terms of infection.

Who can have Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery is performed for people with sagging and deformed breasts due to excessive weight loss, people with congenital small breasts and sagging people, and people with congenitally large breasts who experience sagging. Breast lift surgery is performed on individuals over the age of 18.

What is the preparation process before Breast Lift Surgery?

The preparation process for breast lift surgery consists of physical examination, patient information and education, and planning before breast lift surgery.

During the physical examination, first of all, the patient’s medical history, medications, allergies and family health history are learned. Then, it examines the patient’s breast size, subcutaneous fat thickness, skin, breast symmetry, nipple position and size, inframammary fold, breast muscles and whether there is a mass in the breast.

During the patient information and education phase, the patient is informed about the side effects and complications that may occur after breast lift surgery. After the surgery, information is given about how to take correct and clean care, and the questions in the mind of the patient are answered.

In the planning stage before breast lift surgery, a treatment plan is made as a result of the data obtained during the physical examination stage. At this stage, the patient’s wishes and breast size are important.

What is the recovery process like after Breast Lift Surgery?

It is very important for the successful outcome of the surgery after breast lift surgery. After the operation, care should be taken to use the correct bra and to care for the breast area carefully. Careful and correct care will shorten the healing process. After breast lift surgery, as after all surgeries, there is a risk of bleeding and infection.

While it can be protected from the risk of infection by using the medicines given by the doctor regularly, by giving clean and correct care to the application area, by following the dressing and hygiene rules, it can be protected by avoiding the risk of bleeding.

In addition to the risk of bleeding and infection, hematoma, skin loss and aesthetic problems may also occur after breast lift surgery. Hematoma may appear as a large bruise in the breast tissue as a result of bleeding into the nipple. In the presence of a hematoma, the doctor takes the patient into surgery for the second time and cleans the accumulated blood. Skin loss is a very rare major complication.

The skin becomes black in skin loss, which is usually seen in smokers. Black-colored skin can heal as a result of dressing or as a result of cutting the skin. The first two weeks after the surgery are very important and smoking should not be started during this period. Finally, there may be aesthetic losses after the surgery, this aesthetic loss is usually caused by the asymmetrical breasts. Breast asymmetry can be corrected with various interventions.

What should be considered after Breast Lift Surgery?

  • It is very important not to get a blow to the breast area after breast lift surgery.
  • Forceful movements on the arm and chest areas should be avoided.
  • After the surgery, you should rest at home for at least three and at most seven days.
  • Especially during the first month should not lie face down.
  • Carrying heavy objects and doing heavy physical activity should be avoided for the first four weeks after the surgery.
  • After the breast lift surgery, the protective surgical corset given by the doctor should be worn.
  • After the surgery, sports bras that do not put pressure on the breasts and prevent them from swinging should be worn. An underwire bra can be worn six weeks after the surgery.
  • You should definitely not take a shower in the first four days after the surgery, it is okay to take a shower after the fourth day.
  • After the surgery, antibiotics and pain relievers prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly.
  • No medication should be used other than those prescribed by the doctor.
  • Since going to the dressing dates given by the doctor during the recovery period after the surgery will reduce the risk of infection, you should definitely go to the doctor on these dates.
  • It is normal for the breast tissue to be edematous and swollen after surgery. As this appearance starts to decrease after three to four weeks, the breasts will regain their real appearance.
  • Light exercises can be done at the end of the first month.
  • After the operation, you should not go into the sea for at least 40 days.
  • Heavy sports can be done after the third month.

Frequently asked questions about Breast Lift Surgery

Is it possible to breastfeed after Breast Lift Surgery?

If the nipple, milk ducts and milk glands are not intervened during the breast lift surgery, it can be breastfed after the operation.

Is there any loss of sensation after Breast Lift Surgery?

It is normal for the patient to experience loss of sensation in the first period after breast lift surgery. This is a temporary condition and will end with a feeling of arousal with the activation of the nerves. The patient should be aware that loss of sensation may occur in the early postoperative period and that the situation is temporary.

Will there be any scars in the incision areas after Breast Lift Surgery ?

Breast lift surgery is an operation that is very suitable for its purpose and gives an effective result, but it is an operation that has a disadvantage because of the postoperative scar.

After breast lift surgery, there is usually a surgical scar around the entire periphery and under the breast where the nipple and skin meet. In some surgeries, this scar may continue under the breast and end at the breast fold line. In the technique developed with the latest technology, this sub-trace does not exist. It can be said that the length of the operation scar is directly proportional to the sagging of the breast.

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MD, Esra Çelik Answering Your Questions.

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